Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Midterm Portfolio

 Rule Of Thirds
I like this the best because the flowers represent rule of thirds and it's just focused on the flowers.
I don't think there's anything i would do to make it stronger.

 Fill In The Frame
I like this because the red berries really stand out and there's nothing to distract the picture & it represents filling in the frame.
I don't have anything that i would do to make it better i like it.

This picture represents lines because there's line's in the background and in the plant.
I don't know what i could do to make it better.

This picture represents angles because i took this picture from the top of the fence and it looks diagonal.
I think the color in this picture is faded so more color would be better.

This picture represents pattern because all the leafs are in a pattern.
I think color would better in this picture & if the brown leaf wasn't there.

This represents framing because the leafs frame the pink flower.
I think color would make it better because the color is washed away.

 Shutter Speed
This represents shutter speed because the leaf is caught in mid air.
I think a different background would be better.

This represents panning because the background has a blur and she doesn't.
I think the color would be better and if she was a bit more in focus.

 Depth Of Field
This represents depth o field because the background is really blurry and the panda is in focus.
I don't think there's anything that could make it better i like it.

Wild Card
This represents depth of field And this is my favorite picture i really like the colors and how the panda is really in focus its pretty.
There's nothing that i would want to change to make it stronger.

1. The biggest challenge for me has been trying to get good pictures & i have overcome it . There's nothing that Mr. Peterson can do to help.
2. My biggest success is not falling behind in things like blog post or other work this standout to me because if not i would have a bad grade & yes this will help me in second semester by keeping me in track of all my work.
3. I'm interested in learning many other ways a picture could be better so i could have better pictures.
4. Mr. Peterson can show us more ways to take a better picture.
5. I could keep trying to take better pictures when i don't like one to improve my pictures.

I don't have an abc's picture because we didn't have a blog post on the abc's and i don't have any of the pictures.

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